1997年よりライブ , オーガナイズ活動を開始。様々なLABELより楽曲も勢力的にリリースし、2004年よりPsychedelicかつSpacyなSoundを軸としたスタイルでDJ活動をスタート。HypnoticでDeepな空気の中にストーリ性の高いEmotionalなセンスを内包し、アップリフティングでトランシーなドライブ力を併せ持つ。様々な音楽フェスティバルへの出演をはじめに都内主要クラブからアンダーグラウンドな場所まで幅広い現場でプレイ。またElectronica , Experimental , Ambient , Abstractを軸とする音楽も得意とし、ギャラリーやアートイベントでの音楽担当など活動の場所は多岐に渡る。 即興のギター演奏やVocalを加えたLIVE DJも行い、2016年にはAsia Dj Tourを成功させ、2018年にはドイツ、フランス、イギリスで40日に渡るDj&Live Tourを行い各所で高評価を得る。中でもFC ST.PAULIが所有するハンブルグはサッカースタジアムでのレイブ、フランスでのライブプレイは現地関係者からも賞賛を集め、以後毎年定期的にツアーが組まれている。同年、自身のソロプロジェクトとして“REWLOOLA”名義での活動を開始しジャンルに囚われない気ままで自由な音楽制作を行なう。自身主催によるOpen Air Music&Art Festival“Brightness”は活動10年目を迎え、クラブシーンやバンドシーンの垣根を飛び越え、多様なカルチャーをクロスオーバーさせるアプローチで独自の立ち位置を獲得しシーンに一石投じている。
Since 1997, He started to perform his music band activities as guitarist and vocalist. In additionally, He continued to release his music from several record labels energetically. And then, He started to shift his music career to DJ style with Electronica | Experimental mainly around 2000. In a short time after that, He started to be settled into Progressive | Techno music mainly as his style. Since then, His emotional and lyrical drive DJ groove had fascinated many music freaks. Besides, His strong point as DJ is that he also can take a free style to do DJ by Chill out music like Ambient music. So, He had been in charge as a music selector at gallery , art ivent in his career as well. His career is consisting by DJ activities he has done at main clubs of Tokyo also with various different backgrounds. His music style is really wide as like he does DJ with improvisational guitar play and live set by vocal sampling, He had appeared on such big festivals that are ‘Hacienda Oiso Festival’, ‘Audio Festival’. Besides, He had supported many DJs who came to Japan and he played with them in his career so many times. Since 2013, He started to organize his own event ‘Brightness’ with a conception as ‘It’s a wonderful holiday’.The event attracted many people who had sympathized and made enthusiastic fans increased immediately by his unique organization ways for special conceptions of music, location, and art. In 2015, More than 1000 people came to ‘Brightness’ he organized just only by local artists. His party is preeminent here in Tokyo music scene apparently. In 2016, he successfully completed a DJ tour in Asia, and in 2019, he will be touring France, the UK and Germany for 40 days to get a resounding response everywhere. In particular, his live performances in Marseille, France and Hamburg, Germany, have been highly praised by the local music industry and he has begun to receive many offers from overseas countries.In the same year, he started his own solo project, REWLOOLA, and is currently working on an album. In 2021, we will start SINTONIA Open Air in Okinawa, which is also recognized as a World Heritage Site and a forest.